
For Sale

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Please contact the sellers directly if you are interested in any item listed on this Classified page.

19 5/8″ Table Polyphon.
Clean & tidy, plays well. Complete with a rare matching base containing over 20 disc’s. £4000
Please contact:  tel:  07774 418 706  or email:
19 5/8" Table Polyphon

19 5/8″ Table Polyphon

19 5/8" Table Polyphon

19 5/8″ Table Polyphon








The Disc Musical Box Book- by Kevin McElhone.

This hardback Large A4 size book is printed in full colour and includes a DVD containing additional information.

Was  £70  + Shipping  – now REDUCED to £36.00 + shipping.

Was £25 + shipping – now REDUCED Disc Supplement only £20.00 + shipping.

Buy both and save another £16.00 = £40.00 + shipping   [Under Half the original price].

Limited numbers left now.

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